4D Write Pro.
Better with Every Release.
Whether for catalogs or inventories, automatic document generation is now greatly simplified with the possibility of defining a “datasource” for the tables of 4D Write Pro, which will automatically feed the rows of these tables.
This allows end-users of your application to design or edit templates that will be filled automatically with data.
To help mitigate the downside of broken images, 4D Write Pro is shipped with a new view option, enabling you to make empty images invisible.

4D View Pro.
Tab Into the Power of Excel-like Tables.
4D View Pro comes with a new table feature with many benefits that make manipulating your data much more accessible —thanks to additional properties like headers, table resizing, summary row, column sorting, filters, and more
As a bonus, this feature also lets you quickly load data from data classes and collections.

Project Mode.
Developing concurrently on a 4D server in Project Mode.
For those who still develop in binary mode, you can now adopt Project Mode without impacting your development organization and benefit from its exclusive features: Silicon compilation, CSS forms, classes, computed attributes, and, when you are ready, source control systems.

List Boxes.
More Padding, Please.
Harness the power of white space when designing your list boxes with horizontal and vertical padding. In addition to giving your list boxes new presentation possibilities and an even more professional look to your UI, they will help maintain focus, improve visual organization, and increase readability.

Microsoft 365 Support.
User Authentication Taken Further.
Thanks to 4D NetKit, users can log in to their business applications using their Microsoft Active Directory credentials.
Besides providing access to Office applications, Microsoft also provides an Azure-based Active Directory, allowing users to log in to access services such as Microsoft Sharepoint or OneDrive using a Web Browser.
All Microsoft services require the same Single Sign-On based on the email address. And your business application can now do so!

4D for Mobile.
Say Hello to Aliases.
Aliases (shortcuts to an existing datastore object) are available and ready for your iOS and Android mobile projects.
This new feature allows more advanced usage of the existing templates and displays more relevant information, allowing you to bring data available at different levels back to the first level.